Vermont Energy Links
For those of us pursuing energy efficiency and renewable energy in the Green Mountain State.-
Promoting RE in VT
Vermont's energy efficiency utility - negawatts, not megawatts
The State of Vermont promoting renewables
Hands-on courses in design, construction, and woodworking, focusing on sustainable design.
National Energy Links
Information on state and federal incentives for energy efficiency and renewable energy
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory; everything you ever wanted to know about RE.
Calculates the output of a solar electric system at any location
Calculates the output of a solar electric system anywhere in the U.S. by 40 km grid.
A comprehensive design program for solar energy systems.
Solar radiation data for flat plate collectors, average of 1961-1990
Find the wind resource in your area
Find the time and angle of sunrise, sunset, and solar noon
Other Useful Links
Rules for solar angle depending on latitude and season
Find out how far off your compass is at your location.
Multiple useful solar references
Solar professionals exchanging information